Watch Kit Pro Privacy Policy
The Watch Kit Pro Privacy Policy, which covers the app and web site.

This privacy policy covers:
This privacy policy doesn't cover:
- The Google Play service or other Google or Android services; see the Google Privacy Policy
- The GitHub service; see the GitHub Privacy Statement
- Any personal correspondence sent to us
Our name and contact details:
- Watch Kit Pro is developed by Terence Tan. Contact us at [email protected]
- We're Australian 🦘. We're not an organisation covered by the Australian Privacy Act 1998 (as it's just me), but visit the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner for fascinating information
What kinds of personal information we collect and store:
- We do not collect or hold any personal information
- We have no interest in you (no offence!)
How we collect personal information and where it is stored:
- We do not collect or hold any personal information
The reasons why we need to collect personal information:
- We do not collect or hold any personal information
- No, really. We're only writing this because Google makes it mandatory for anyone publishing an app. So thanks for reading this far! But we don't even have a business model, let alone one that relies on collecting your personal information
How we'll use and disclose personal information:
- We do not collect or hold any personal information
How you can access your personal information, or ask for a correction:
- We do not collect or hold any personal information. Nevertheless you may contact us via the above contact details
How to lodge a complaint if you think your information has mishandled, and how we'll handle your complaint:
- Contact us via the above contact details. We handle all complaints on a case-by-case basis
If we are likely to disclose your information outside Australia and, if practical, which countries we are likely to disclose the information to:
- We do not collect or hold any personal information. We consider the likelihood of us disclosing your information very very low.